Nothing compares to the power of touch. Touch heals, connects, and transforms us. From a simple hug to a pat on the hand, even the simplest and smallest of touches can be incredibly powerful.
Numerous studies have shown that touch is essential to our well-being and has a host of incredible physical and social benefits. Touch releases the social-bonding hormone oxytocin, which is linked to increased levels of well-being and reduced levels of stress and anxiety, and studies show that oxytocin can be released in response to something as simple as warm temperature on the skin. Other positive effects of touch have been shown to include decreases in both blood pressure and heart rate.

Skin Hunger
Yet in many ways, our modern way of life (including working from home and global lockdowns) has resulted in what researchers and mental health professionals call ‘skin hunger’, where we crave contact and connection with others. And that extends to the way we care for and treat our skin, as well as our at-home skincare rituals. As high-tech tools and facials permeate the beauty industry and machinery and gadgets are used to prod and disrupt (both by facialists, and also in our home practices as part of tightly controlled, regimented skincare routines), it seems that the power of touch is now somewhat of a lost art.
But not with us. And it doesn’t have to be with you either.

Pioneering The Touch Technique
A true pioneer in the field of holistic skin health, MV founder Sharon has spent almost three decades working intuitively when delivering her reimagining of the facial experience, known as the MV® Radiance Therapy experience. She acknowledges the privilege (and power) of being a strictly hands-on therapist, using the power of touch to tune into people’s energetic needs to not only address the skin, but more importantly, to address the internal stress that affects both our emotional well-being and physical health.
Similar principles can be applied to transform at-home skincare routines into intuitive, grounding, holistic experiences anchored in the beauty and science of touch.

The Power of Touch
This can look like breathing deeply, relaxing your shoulders and taking in the aromatic experience of your products, and slowly and gently massaging your face without rushing (we recommend a full 2-minute facial massage for our 9 Oil Radiance Ritual). Or it can simply be taking a moment to be mindful whilst gently applying your favourite treatment products, like one of our Skin Booster Oils, as the last step in your evening skincare ritual.
Touch is essential to what it means to be human.
We encourage you to remember the power of touch the next time you consider a facial experience, and every time you create and perform your own skincare rituals.
Ruth Crilly
An excerpt from her article 'Sharon with the Magic Hands'.
'I don’t (secretly) call her Sharon Magic Hands for nothing. Not only does she unwind me into the sort of relaxed stupor most people only achieve with an over-the-counter sedative, she cajoles my skin into becoming a rested, glowing version of its former self. No trickery, no gimmickery, just pure sensorial bliss and complete mind-and-body-tranquility.
I tell you about Sharon’s magic hands and ability to create sensorial bliss and complete tranquility because all of the very same energy and passion is poured into her skincare.'
#Beauty Rebel
Educational insights, skin health wisdoms, tricks of the trade, and truth speak.
All the stuff the beauty industry doesn't want you to know....